Often on this blog, I talk about the simple things that bring me joy. I mean, there are definitely larger events that I have discuss that certainly bring great excitement to my life, but I find a deep pleasure in the the things that I find consistently allow a smile in my heart. My fair Reader, my life is definitely not always beautiful. Often times it is fairly mundane,downright frustrating, and, sometimes, deeply troubling to me. I rarely share the details of that reality, unless in a glancing manner that helps me further emphasize my brighter point. The reason is not to hide from those facts. My reason is because I refuse to use this venue for the spreading of things that threaten to poison our world. There are deeply troubling things about being in existence, especially as a creature that has the capacity to understand such deeper cruelties. However, those cruelties are slammed into our awareness every day, and not with an intention of keeping the public awake and enlightened. My intention is not to pretend such things do not exist. My intention is to maintain that there is beauty, happiness, and fullness to be had in this world. In order to do that, I choose to write about the things that are examples of that fullness. Writing for that purpose not only allows me to chronicle what is actually important in my life, but also to keep tenuously pieced together my general sanity in the midst of this extremely broken world in which I live. I use this place to remember, and I choose to remember that which is Light.