New Lamp, Good/Bad Movies, and Cleaning

This day was productive as well as a blast. I began the day with some errands, during which I acquired a new lamp for the living room area. I am a creature that really enjoys light, and while my apartment is lovely, one of it’s short-comings is that it does not let in light very well, and at night it is almost ridiculous. I had a lamp in the far corner, a gap of shadow, and then the portion lit by the kitchen fixture. While I could certainly see well enough to walk around safely (at least as much safety as a natural klutz can expect), for someone who enjoys crafting and reading at all hours, not being able to adequately see stitches and words is extremely vexing. Enter super-cheap-and-awesome standing lamp that brightens the room so much I feel as though I didn’t even know how much darkness I was dealing with all this time. Anyway, the day wore on and I found myself taking in The Dark Knight Rises with ZeldaStark and Baloo. I have been dying to see this movie, and I was not disappointed. Some minor things bugged me, but overall I was just as engaged as I was with the last two films. Then on to an afternoon of knitting, spinning, and breaking in ZeldaStark’s new TV with a deliciously awful movie on SyFy called The Snow Beast. I have a deep love of bad science fiction films, and this one certainly did not fail to delight me with its terrible script, cheesy effects, and generally tacky plot. Plus, ZeldaStark happily shared in my banter so I was not alone in my silliness. I arrived home, put together my lamp, and I also tested a new cleaner for my dining room table. Considering the table is wood, I was putting off cleaning it until I got some Pledge. Well, after a conversation with the lovely Persephone, I decided to purchase a product from 7th Generation, which uses a plant based formula rather than harsh chemicals. I am pleased to report that the table looks divine. I know this preoccupation with cleaning may seem a little silly, and in my CT years, even into early MD, I would have scoffed along with you. However, after living in conditions where I could never fully keep a place neat, I have found a solace in cleaning that keeps parts of me together. As a self-proclaimed control freak, I recognize that I can’t control 99.9% of my world or the things that happen to me. Also, as someone who is moving around a lot, I do not have the luxury of consistent permanent spacial conditions. What is consistent are my routines, and cleaning has the added benefit of being a way I can control my space. I am certainly not OCD about it, I only do a hardcore scrub once a week, but the task gives me a healthy outlet. My dad used to lament that neither of his daughters had an ounce of his neat freak habits. Well padre, you certainly won in the end with this offspring (I just got excited over new wood cleaner for heaven’s sake!!). Oh well, twas a good day :).

2 comments on “New Lamp, Good/Bad Movies, and Cleaning

  1. Persephone says:

    YAY Seventh Generation! Happy you liked it and proud of you for all the cleaning 😀

  2. Tehe, I really appreciate the suggestion, and thank you pretty lady!

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